The Census of Users of the National Plant Germplasm System

OMB 0536-0075

OMB 0536-0075

The Census of Users of the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) will solicit data from requestors of germplasm (i.e., living tissue from which plants can be grown) for any of ten crops over a five year period. This information will allow ERS to assess the economic value and cost of ensuring the public's access to genetic resources and genetic diversity. Analysis of the needs of germplasm requestors can help provide an empirical basis for investments in the NPGS and guide priority-setting.

The latest form for The Census of Users of the National Plant Germplasm System expires 2020-06-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

The Census of Users of the National Plant Germplasm System -respondents

Federal Enterprise Architecture: General Science and Innovation - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation

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