Grant Program to Establish a Revolving Fund Program (RFP) to Finance Water and Wastewater Projects, 7 CFR 1783

OMB 0572-0138

OMB 0572-0138

On May 13, 2002, the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (Farm Bill) was signed into law as Public Law 107-171. Section 6002 of the Farm Bill amended the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (CONACT) by adding a grant program to establish a revolving loan fund (RFP). Loans are made to eligible entities to finance predevelopment costs of water and wastewater (W&WW) projects, or short-term small capital projects not part of the regular operation & maintenance of current W&WW systems. The items covered by this information collection package are used to determine eligibility, project feasibility, and the applicant's ability to meet the grant and regulatory requirements.

The latest form for Grant Program to Establish a Revolving Fund Program (RFP) to Finance Water and Wastewater Projects, 7 CFR 1783 expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

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