BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property with Foreign Persons

OMB 0608-0058

OMB 0608-0058

The BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property is necessary to obtain complete and accurate universe data used by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to produce the International Transactions Accounts (ITAs) of the United States. These accounts provide a comprehensive and detailed view of economic transactions between the United States and other countries. In addition, they provide input into other U.S. economic measures and accounts, contributing particularly to the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs) and Input-Output accounts. The ITAs are used extensively by both government and private organizations for national and international economic policy support and for analytical purposes.

The latest form for BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property with Foreign Persons expires 2021-08-31 and can be found here.

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