Pacific Islands Region Coral Reef Ecosystems Logbook and Reporting

OMB 0648-0462

OMB 0648-0462

Logbooks are required for United States (U.S.) fishing vessels registered to use (or any U.S. citizen issued with) a Special Coral Reef Ecosystem Fishing Permit authorized under the Fishery Management Plan for Coral Reef Ecosystems of the Western Pacific Region. The information in the mandatory logbooks are used to obtain fish catch/fishing effort data on coral reef taxa harvested in designated low-use marine protected areas and on potentially-harvested coral reef taxa in certain waters of the U.S. exclusive economic zone in the western Pacific region. These data are needed to determine the condition of the stocks and whether the current management measures are having the intended effects, to evaluate the benefits and costs of changes in management measures, and to monitor and respond to incidental takes of endangered and threatened marine animals.

The latest form for Pacific Islands Region Coral Reef Ecosystems Logbook and Reporting expires 2022-03-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Pacific Islands Region Coral Reef Ecosystems Daily Catch Report

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Natural Resources - Conservation, Marine and Land Management

Form NACoral Reef Ecosystem Daily Catch ReportPaper OnlyForm and instruction

Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.

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