Green Sturgeon ESA 4(d) Rule Take Exceptions and Exemptions

OMB 0648-0613

OMB 0648-0613

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) listed the Southern Distinct Population Segment of North American green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris; hereafter, “Southern DPS”) as a threatened species in April 2006. In June 2010, NMFS established protective regulations for the Southern DPS under an ESA 4(d) rule. This 4(d) rule prohibits the take of Southern DPS green sturgeon, but also established exceptions and exemptions from the take prohibitions for certain activities that meet the criteria described in the 4(d) rule. To ensure that activities meet the 4(d) criteria for an exception or exemption, the affected entities (including local, state, and federal agencies; tribes; non-governmental organizations; academic researchers; and private organizations) are asked to submit information regarding their activity, on a schedule to be determined by NMFS staff. NMFS uses this information to (1) evaluate the effects of each action on the Southern DPS; (2) confirm or approve requests for exceptions or exemptions; (3) track the number of Southern DPS fish taken as a result of each action; and (4) evaluate the effectiveness of protections for the Southern DPS and the need for additional protections or changes to the exceptions/exemptions.

The latest form for Green Sturgeon ESA 4(d) Rule Take Exceptions and Exemptions expires 2023-01-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Scientific Research/Monitoring Exception

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Natural Resources - Conservation, Marine and Land Management

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