Pribilof Islands, Taking for Subsistence Purposes

OMB 0648-0699

OMB 0648-0699

NMFS is modifying the subsistence use regulations for the Eastern Pacific stock of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) in response to a petition from the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island, Tribal Government (ACSPI). This rule simplifies the regulations and authorizes Pribilovians who reside on St. Paul Island, Alaska, to kill for subsistence uses each year up to 2,000 male fur seals less than 7 years old (defined as juvenile males), including young of the year (also called pups). This rule authorizes up to 20 mortalities of female fur seals per year (of the 2,000 fur seals authorized for subsistence use per year). This rule allows the taking of fur seals on St. Paul Island over two subsistence use seasons annually: one from January 1 through May 31 using firearms to hunt, and the second from June 23 through December 31 without using firearms for the harvest. In addition, the rule authorizes Pribilovians who reside on St. George Island, Alaska, to kill each year up to 500 male fur seals during harvests for subsistence use, including authorization of up to 3 female mortalities each year. Finally, the rule streamlines and simplifies the regulations by eliminating several duplicative and unnecessary regulations governing Pribilovians on St. Paul and St. George Islands.

The latest form for Pribilof Islands, Taking for Subsistence Purposes expires 2023-01-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Harvest Report: Juveniles or sub-adults (St. George & St. Paul)

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Natural Resources - Conservation, Marine and Land Management

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