Alaska Notification of Intent to Process Aleutian Islands Pacific Cod

OMB 0648-0743

OMB 0648-0743

This collection of information contains the notification submitted to NMFS by the City of Adak or the City of Atka of its intent to process Aleutian Islands Pacific cod in the upcoming fishing year in order for the Aleutian Islands catcher vessel harvest set-aside to go into effect in the upcoming fishing year. NMFS uses this information to determine how to calculate Pacific cod allocations required under 50 CFR 679.20(a)(7)(viii) during the annual Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands harvest specifications process. If NMFS receives a notification of intent to process Aleutian Islands Pacific cod from either the City of Adak or the City of Atka by October 31, NMFS establishes an Aleutian Islands Catcher Vessel Pacific cod harvest set-aside, along with other Pacific cod allocations by area, sector, and gear type. These harvest limits will be in effect in the following year.

The latest form for Alaska Notification of Intent to Process Aleutian Islands Pacific Cod expires 2023-01-31 and can be found here.

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