Reporting and notification requirements in West Coast Pacific Bluefin Tuna Fishery

OMB 0648-0778

OMB 0648-0778

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is proposing to implement resolutions on the conservation and management of Pacific bluefin tuna that were adopted by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission at it August 2018 annual meeting. The proposed rule would implement catch and trip limits for 2019 and 2020 for U.S. commercial vessels that catch PBF in the eastern Pacific Ocean. To monitor and manage the trip and catch limits, NMFS is proposing reporting requirements that serve as the basis of this collection of information. NMFS would impose electronic landing receipt (e-ticket) submission timeline requirements and a pre-trip notification applicable to U.S. commercial fishing vessels. Submittal of E-tickets that include PBF sales for of landings in California would be required within 24 hours. If the trip limit is 15 mt, purse seine vessels would be required to provide NMFS with a notice of intent to depart on a fishing trip which may result in landing PBF (i.e., pre-trip notification). NMFS would encourage owners or operators of purse seine vessels to call NMFS in advance of landing with an estimate of how much PBF was caught on the trip.

The latest form for Reporting and notification requirements in West Coast Pacific Bluefin Tuna Fishery expires 2022-07-31 and can be found here.

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Pre-trip notification

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