Survey To Collect Economic Data From Recreational Anglers Along the Atlantic Coast

OMB 0648-0783

OMB 0648-0783

This request is for a revision to a currently approved information collection. The objective of the original data collection effort under OMB Control Number 0648-0783 was to assess how changes in saltwater recreational fishing regulations affect angler effort, angler welfare, fishing mortality, and future stock levels. That data collection effort focused on anglers who fished for Atlantic cod and haddock off the Atlantic coast from Maine to Massachusetts. Under this revised information collection request, the objective remains the same, but a new survey will be added with the focus on anglers who fish for summer flounder and black sea bass in the North Atlantic coastal states of New York and New Jersey. The survey population consists of those anglers who fish in saltwater in the North Atlantic coastal states of New York and New Jersey and who possess a license to fish. A sample of anglers will be drawn from both state fishing license frames. The survey will be conducted using both mail and email to contact anglers and invite them to take the survey online. Anglers not responding to the online survey will receive a paper survey in the mail. Data collected from this survey will improve our ability to understand and predict how changes in management options and regulations may change fishing mortality and the number of trips anglers take for summer flounder and black sea bass. This data will allow fisheries managers to conduct updated and improved analysis of the socio-economic effects of proposed changes in fishing regulations to recreational anglers and to coastal communities.

The latest form for Survey To Collect Economic Data From Recreational Anglers Along the Atlantic Coast expires 2022-08-31 and can be found here.

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Federal Enterprise Architecture: Natural Resources - Recreational Resource Management and Tourism

Form N/ANARFS Survey Fillable PrintableForm
Form N/ANorth Atlantic Recreational Fishing SurveyFillable FileableForm

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