End Use Certificate

OMB 0704-0382

OMB 0704-0382

The End-Use Certificate (DLA Form 1822) is submitted by individuals prior to releasing export-controlled personal property out of Department of Defense (DoD) control. Export-controlled personal property are items listed on the United States Munitions Lists (USML) or Commerce Control List (CCL), and includes articles, items, technical data, technology or software. Transfers of export-controlled personal property out of DoD control may be in tangible and intangible forms. The information collected is for the purpose of determining bidder or transferee eligibility to receive export-controlled personal property, and to ensure that transferees comply with the terms of sale or Military Critical Technical Data Agreement regarding end-use of the property. This form is to be used by the DoD Components, other Federal agencies who have acquired DoD export-controlled personal property, and or their contractors prior to releasing export-controlled personal property out DoD or Federal agency control. End-use checks are required by the following: DoD Instruction 2030.08, “Implementation of Trade Security Controls (TSCs) for Transfers of DoD U.S. Munitions List (USML) and Commerce Control List (CCL) Personal Property to Parties Outside DoD Control;” DoDM 4160.28, “DoD Demilitarization (DEMIL) Manual, Vol. 1, 2, 3;” and the DoDM 4160.21, Vol 1-4, Defense Materiel Disposition Manual.

The latest form for End Use Certificate expires 2022-03-31 and can be found here.

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