National Language Service Corps (NSLC)

OMB 0704-0449

OMB 0704-0449

The National Language Service Corp (NLSC) currently operates under federal guidelines with the processes and procedures validated during its first five years as a pilot program, and recruits from the general public and enroll individuals who would like to volunteer their language skills. The NLSC identifies U.S. citizens who can provide high levels of proficiency in foreign languages and cultural expertise critical to national security for short-term temporary assignments when other resources are not available. The NLSC will fill gaps between requirements of DoD or other departments or agencies of the United States and available language skills where government employees are required or desired. It is critical for the NLSC to continue to utilize members to fill these emergent needs.

The latest form for National Language Service Corps (NSLC) expires 2022-01-31 and can be found here.

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