DoD Mortuary Affairs Forms

OMB 0704-0581

OMB 0704-0581

The information collection requirement is necessary to obtain the selection (as applicable) of the Person Authorized to Direct Disposition (PADD) or the Person Authorized to Effect Disposition (PAED) of the remains of the decedent. These forms were directed by the Secretary of Defense for transparency and standardization of the mortuary procedures as part of the Final Report of the Dover Port Mortuary Independent Review Subcommittee Implementation Plan and 180-day study. The applicable form(s) is included in the individual case file of the decedent. The respondents are the PADD or PAED of the decedent and the witness to that selection. The PADD or PAED document their election, sign the applicable form to formalize this process and document the election of the PADD or PAED as applicable. These forms become a part of the Official Individual Deceased Personnel File. If the PADD or PAED do not sign these forms, then the Department cannot provide mortuary and transportation services as requested by the PADD or PAED. Currently, there is a lack of standardization across the Military Services as each Service currently utilizes different forms for these elections and they do not all capture the same information even on similar forms. Standardizing the information collected is essential in maintaining the transparency and integrity of the mortuary affairs process.

The latest form for DoD Mortuary Affairs Forms expires 2022-01-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

DD Form 3045 – Statement of Disposition of Military Remains

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Defense and National Security - Operational Defense

Form DD Form 3045Statement of Disposition of Military Remains Fillable FileableForm

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