Education Verification for National Guard Enlistees

OMB 0704-0584

OMB 0704-0584

The information collection is necessary to verify education status and projected graduation dates for students who agree to enlist in the Army National Guard. Information gathered by the NGB Form 900 is required to verify and determine the graduation dates for high school juniors who enlist in the National Guard. Information gathered by the NGB Form 901 is required to verify the enrollment and graduation dates for college students who enlist in the National Guard. The National Guard will use this information to schedule basic training dates to accommodate a student's educational obligations, thereby ensuring that the enlistee will complete his or her education in a timely manner.

The latest form for Education Verification for National Guard Enlistees expires 2022-07-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

High School Verification

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Defense and National Security - Operational Defense

Form NGB Form 901ARNG HS Verification FormFillable PrintableForm and instruction

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