SDDC Transportation Financial Management System Access Request

OMB 0704-0587

OMB 0704-0587

This information is required to establish and maintain audit compliance. This information is used to establish and control individual user (human resource (HR)) account within the Transportation Financial Management System (TFMS) for the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC). Collected information limits who may gain access to the TFMS accounting system, identifies who has gained access to the system as part of their assigned duties, and/or ensures the respondents received pay and benefits. These accounts are linked to the Defense Travel System (DTS) for settlement of temporary travel (TDY) payments and Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS) for payment of civilian personnel entitlements.

The latest form for SDDC Transportation Financial Management System Access Request expires 2022-10-31 and can be found here.

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