Medical Device Recall Authority

OMB 0910-0432

OMB 0910-0432

This ICR collects information from manufacturers, importers, distributors, and retailers of medical devices to provide information, requests, or reports related to mandatory recall. The primary use of the information disclosed to FDA is to ensure that all devices entering the market are safe and effective, to accurately and immediately detect serious problems with medical devices, and to remove dangerous and defective devices from the market. A firm may initiate a voluntary recall of a violative device without FDA intervention. However, if FDA determines that such a voluntary recall is not effective in remedying a violation and there remains a reasonable probability that the violative device would cause serious adverse health consequences or death, FDA will invoke the medical device recall authority in addition to the voluntary efforts that the manufacturer has already undertaken.

The latest form for Medical Device Recall Authority expires 2021-09-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Collections Specified in the Order--810.10(d)

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Health - Consumer Health and Safety

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