Animal Food Labeling; Declaration of Certifiable Color Additives

OMB 0910-0721

OMB 0910-0721

This ICR requires animal food manufacturers to declare on the animal food label the presence of certified and noncertified color additives in their animal food products. The animal food labeling regulation at 21 CFR 501.22(k) is consistent with the regulations requiring the declaration of color additives on human food labels. The purpose of the labeling is to provide animal owners with information on the color additives used in animal food. Animal owners use the information to become knowledgeable about the foods they purchase for their animals. Color additive information enables a consumer to comparison shop and to avoid substances to which their animals may be sensitive.

The latest form for Animal Food Labeling; Declaration of Certifiable Color Additives expires 2021-08-31 and can be found here.

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