Accelerated Approval Disclosures on Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Websites

OMB 0910-0872

OMB 0910-0872

This study will examine the effect of the presence, language, and prominence of a disclosure communicating information related to a prescription drug’s accelerated approval in direct-to-consumer promotional materials. We plan to conduct one pretest (N = 385) and one main study (N = 633) not longer than 20 minutes, administered via Internet panel. We will vary the presence and prominence of the disclosure (e.g., varying the presence, size, color, and location of the disclosure) on a website for a fictitious prescription drug. Participants will view the website and then answer questions about the drug information, including the disclosure.

The latest form for Accelerated Approval Disclosures on Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Websites expires 2020-06-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Pretesting Screener

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Health - Consumer Health and Safety

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