State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis Grant Program Reports

OMB 0930-0378

OMB 0930-0378

There are 57 (states and jurisdictions) award recipients in this program. All funded states and jurisdictions will be asked to report on their implementation and performance through an online data collection system. Award recipients will report performance on the following measures specific to this program: number of people who receive OUD treatment, number of people who receive OUD recovery services, number of providers implementing medication-assisted treatment, and the number of OUD prevention and treatment providers trained, to include NPs, PAs, as well as physicians, nurses, counselors, social workers, case managers, etc. This information will be collected at the mid-point and conclusion of each grant award year. Additionally, each award recipient will describe the purposes for which the grant funds received were expended and the activities under the program, and the ultimate recipients of amounts provided to the grantee in the grants.

The latest form for State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis Grant Program Reports expires 2021-03-31 and can be found here.

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