QHP Issuers Data Collection for Notices for Plan or Display Errors Special Enrollment Periods (CMS-10595)

OMB 0938-1301

OMB 0938-1301

In the final rule, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2017 (CMS-9937-F), we finalized 45 CFR 156.1256, which requires QHP issuers, in the case of a material plan or benefit display error included in 45 CFR 155.420(d)(12), to notify their enrollees of the error and the enrollees’ eligibility for a special enrollment period within 30 calendar days after the issuer is informed by an Federally- facilitated Exchange (FFE) that the error is corrected, if directed to do so by the FFE. This requirement provides notification to QHP enrollees of errors that may have impacted their QHP selection and enrollment and any associated monthly or annual costs, as well as the availability of a special enrollment period under §155.420(d)(12) for the enrollee to select a different QHP, if desired. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is renewing this information collection request (ICR) in connection with these standards. The burden estimate for this ICR included in this package reflects the time and effort for QHP issuers to provide notifications to enrollees.

The latest form for QHP Issuers Data Collection for Notices for Plan or Display Errors Special Enrollment Periods (CMS-10595) expires 2023-01-31 and can be found here.

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