Information Collection Requirements Contained in the State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Grant Program (CMS-10657)

OMB 0938-1366

OMB 0938-1366

The State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Grant Program will provide a funding source to enhance and support the role of States in the implementation and planning for several of the Federal market reforms and consumer protections under Part A of Title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act). The purpose of the State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Grant Program is to enhance the States’ ability to effectively regulate their respective private health insurance markets through innovative measures that support the pre-selected market reforms and consumer protections under Part A of Title XXVII of the PHS Act. States that are awarded funds under this funding opportunity are required to submit four quarterly progress reports, one annual report, and one final report at the end of the grant period, detailing a State’s progress in planning and/or implementation of the pre-selected market reforms and consumer protections under Part A of Title XXVII of the PHS Act. This information is required for effective oversight of State grantees’ use of federal funds.

The latest form for Information Collection Requirements Contained in the State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Grant Program (CMS-10657) expires 2022-07-31 and can be found here.

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