National Survey of Health Information Exchange Organizations (HIO)

OMB 0955-0019

OMB 0955-0019

There is growing consensus that achieving broad-based HIE is one of the most difficult components of HITECH. This is because successful HIE at scale involves coordination between many stakeholders, including but not limited to federal and state policymakers, healthcare delivery organizations, EHR and HIE vendors, and specific organizations supporting HIE, such as health information organizations (HIOs) and health information service providers (HISPs). Further, the issues requiring coordination are diverse, spanning technical standards, consent regulations, business models and incentives, workflow integration, trust and governance, and information privacy and security. Three HIE issues have proven particularly challenging: implementation of and use of standards, information blocking, and sustainability. The ultimate goal of our project is to administer a survey instrument to HIOs in order to generate the most current national statistics and associated actionable insights on electronic health information exchange to inform policy efforts.

The latest form for National Survey of Health Information Exchange Organizations (HIO) expires 2022-04-30 and can be found here.

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