You Can Make Your Payment by Credit Card

OMB 0960-0462

OMB 0960-0462

SSA uses the information on Form SSA–-4588 and the one-time payment electronic application to update an individual's Social Security record to reflect payments made on their overpayment, and to effect payment through the appropriate credit card company. SSA uses the SSA-–4588 to allow individuals to authorize automatic monthly payments. SSA sends out the SSA-–4588 with initial overpayment notices, which informs individuals that SSA has detected an overpayment. Individuals may choose to make a one-time payment or recurring monthly payments by completing and submitting the SSA-–4588. When individuals choose to call SSA to make a payment in lieu of completing the Form SSA–-4588, an SSA debtor contact representative completes an electronic application to process the payment. Respondents are Title II beneficiaries and Title XVI recipients who have outstanding overpayments.

The latest form for You Can Make Your Payment by Credit Card expires 2021-05-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

You Can Make Your Payment by Credit Card--SSA-4588

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Income Security - General Retirement and Disability

Form SSA-4588You Can Make Your Payment By Credit CardPaper OnlyForm and instruction

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