Questionnaire About Special Veterans Benefits

OMB 0960-0782

OMB 0960-0782

Title VIII of the Act provides for the ayment of Special Veterans benefits (SVB) to certain World War II veterans who reside outside of the United States. SSA regularly reviews individuals’ claims for SVB to determine their continued eligibility and correct payment amounts. Individuals living outside the United States receiving SVB must report to SSA any changes that may affect their benefits. These include changes such as: (1) a change in mailing address or residence; (2) an increase or decrease in a pension, annuity, or other recurring benefit; (3) a return or visit to the United States for a calendar month or longer; or (4) an inability to manage benefits. SSA uses Form SSA-2010, to collect this information. Beneficiaries under age 90 receive notification of their benefit review along with the form every two years, and beneficiaries age 90 or older have face-to-face interviews with the Foreign Service Post every year who assist them in completing this form. Currently, the average respondent is over age 90, and very few respondents are under age 90. Respondents are beneficiaries living outside the United States collecting SVB.

The latest form for Questionnaire About Special Veterans Benefits expires 2022-10-31 and can be found here.

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