State Self-Assessment Review and Report

OMB 0970-0223

OMB 0970-0223

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) oversees administration of the Child Support Enforcement program in the 54 States and jurisdictions that participate in it. The Federal government sets program standards and policy, evaluates States' performance in conducting their program, and offers technical assistance and training to the States. It also conducts audits of State program activities. In its oversight role, the Federal government is responsible for receiving Self-Assessment reports submitted by states and, as appropriate, providing to the States comments, recommendations for additional or corrective action, and technical assistance that a State may need. In addition, the submitted reports are reviewed and analyzed by the Office of Child Support Enforcement(OCSE)to identify "best practices" to be shared with other States. The authority to collect and report information requested on this form is found in section 454(15)(A) of the Social Security Act. The Self-Assessment reports are intended to give States the opportunity to assess whether they are meeting Federal requirements for providing child support services and providing the best services possible. In addition, these reports are used by OCSE to monitor State compliance in areas critical to successful State child support programs. Child support enforcement can play a pivotal role in reducing welfare dependency, with savings to the Federal Government. One aspect of motivating States to take the necessary action is to pinpoint program areas where improvement is critical and warrants priority attention. This request is for an extension without changes. Documents have only been updated to reflect current dates, contact information, citations, and addresses.

The latest form for State Self-Assessment Review and Report expires 2022-04-30 and can be found here.

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