ACF Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency Next Generation (BIAS-NG) Project

OMB 0970-0502

OMB 0970-0502

OPRE seeks OMB approval to add a third domain to our approved pilot generic clearance to conduct interviews, focus groups, and surveys with regional, state, and local agencies as part of the Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency Next Generation (BIAS-NG) Project. The BIAS-NG project is applying behavioral insights to a range of ACF programs in order to design and test interventions intended to improve the operations and efficacy of human services programs. We are seeking to add Early Head Start/Head Start (EHS/HS) program administrators, staff, and clients for the same types of information collections as approved for the TANF and child welfare (CW) domains. The purpose of these data collection efforts is to inform the design of and to better understand the mechanisms and effects of interventions informed by behavioral science and intended to improve program outcomes. This submission provides revised supporting statements to include the third domain, EHS/HS. There are no changes to the proposed types of data to be collected, types of respondents, methods for collection, or proposed uses of the information.

The latest form for ACF Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency Next Generation (BIAS-NG) Project expires 2022-08-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Generic Information Collection for Qualitative and Descriptive Quantitative Data Collection for a First TANF Site

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Community and Social Services - Social Services

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