The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing a data collection activity as part of the Prenatal Alcohol and Other Drug Exposures in Child Welfare (PAODE–CW) Study. The study examines the current state of child welfare practice regarding the identification and provision of services for children with prenatal substance exposures, including alcohol and other drugs. The descriptive study will document the policies and practices of child welfare agencies and related organizations to identify, assess, and refer to services children who may have been exposed to prenatal substances and/or diagnosed with a resulting condition such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). The study will document procedures as well as challenges faced and lessons learned to inform the field of practice as well as policy makers, program administrators, and funders at various levels. The proposed information collection activities consist of semi-structured interviews and surveys conducted at 28 child welfare agency sites. Focus groups conducted at 8 of the 28 sites will gather information on needs, challenges, and strategies to support children with prenatal substance exposures and their families within the child welfare system.
The latest form for Prenatal Alcohol and Other Drugs Exposures in Child Welfare (PAODE-CW) Study expires 2021-05-31 and can be found here.
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Federal Enterprise Architecture: Community and Social Services - Social Services
Form 1 | Interview Protocol for Local Agency Director | Fillable Printable | Form and instruction |
Form 1 | Interview Protocol for Local Agency Director | Fillable Printable | Form and instruction |
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