Cost Study of Trauma-Specific Evidence Based Programs used in the Regional Partnership Grants Program

OMB 0970-0557

OMB 0970-0557

The Children’s Bureau (CB) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services seeks approval to collect information for the Regional Partnership Grants to Increase the Well-being of and Improve Permanency Outcomes for Children Affected by Substance Abuse (known as the Regional Partnership Grants Program or “RPG”) Cost-Study of Trauma-Specific Evidence Based Programs (the “RPG cost study of trauma-specific EBPs”). The proposed cost study adds a new and unique contribution to CB’s portfolio of evaluation activities. Although research provides evidence for the effectiveness of some interventions to address the emotional effects of trauma, more information is needed about the cost of implementing them. The cost data will be used to estimate the total, start-up, and per-participant cost of implementing selected trauma-specific EBPs. These estimates will help CB better understand how program costs compare to the number of individuals and families served by the programs, potential factors driving program costs, and variation in program costs across grantees.

The latest form for Cost Study of Trauma-Specific Evidence Based Programs used in the Regional Partnership Grants Program expires 2021-11-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Cost Workbook

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