Earthquake Hazards Program Research and Monitoring

OMB 1028-0051

OMB 1028-0051

Research and monitoring findings are essential to fulfilling USGS's responsibility under the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act to develop earthquake hazard assessments and recording and reporting earthquake activity nationwide. Residents, emergency responders, and engineers rely on the USGS for this accurate and scientifically sound information. Respondents to Program Announcements submit proposals to support research and monitoring related to earthquake hazard assessments, earthquake causes and effects, and earthquake monitoring. This information is used as the basis for selection and award of projects meeting the USGS's Earthquake Hazards Program objectives. Final reports of research and monitoring findings are required for each funded proposal; annual progress reports are required for awards of a two- to five-year duration. Final reports are made available to the public at the website

The latest form for Earthquake Hazards Program Research and Monitoring expires 2022-07-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Grant Applications Narrative

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Disaster Management - Disaster Monitoring and Prediction

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