North American Breeding Bird Survey

OMB 1028-0079

OMB 1028-0079

The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) assists in fulfilling the Secretary of Interior's responsibilities under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act by collecting avian population data for numerous migratory nongame birds in the United States. The BBS is a long-term, large-scale avian monitoring program to track the status and trends of North American bird populations. Volunteers conduct avian point counts once per year during the breeding season (primarily June). Volunteers skilled in avian identification listen for 3 minutes at 50 stops along the route recording all birds seen or heard. Data are submitted electronically via the Internet or on hard copy. These data are used to estimate population trends and abundances at various geographic scales and assist with documenting species distribution.

The latest form for North American Breeding Bird Survey expires 2022-03-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Web submission page

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Environmental Management - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting

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