Department of the Interior Regional Climate Science Centers

OMB 1028-0096

OMB 1028-0096

The National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC) has the responsibility to manage Department of Interior (DOI) Climate Science Centers (CSC) that are co-located at cooperating organizations at non-US Geological Survey (USGS) facilities. The DOI CSCs include USGS staff that report to a national USGS office. The NCCWSC works in close partnership with the climate change science and natural and cultural resource management communities to understand high priority science needs and to develop science information tools that can help resource managers develop strategies for responding to climate change. This program provides funding for researchers through cooperative agreements that involve climate change science as a major component. Eight DOI CSCs have been established, with the last three started up in Fiscal Year 2012. The DOI CSCs and Host partnerships have been established on a 5-year renewable basis. The initial information collection activity was performed to identify the preferred locations / institutional partners for Climate Science Centers. This was a full and open competition announced on Based on this information, CSC host institutions have been identified and have entered cooperative agreements with USGS. At present, information collection activities focus on annual performance and financial reports, required under the cooperative agreements. This information is used to conduct an annual performance evaluation of each CSC's progress in meeting the goals of the agreement.

The latest form for Department of the Interior Regional Climate Science Centers expires 2023-05-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Prepare proposal every 5 years

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Natural Resources - Conservation, Marine and Land Management

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