ISO Geospatial Metadata Editors Registry

OMB 1028-0110

OMB 1028-0110

As National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) stakeholders move forward with the implementation of the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) 191** series of geospatial metadata standards, there is increasing demand for information about applications / editors that can be used to create ISO compliant metadata records. The USGS, through the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Office of the Secretariat (, proposes development of an online registration system for developers of ISO Geospatial Metadata Editors to voluntarily describe their metadata tools. Developers will be asked to include information such as features of the editor, its functionality, supported standards, and point of contact information through a login-based, online form. The FGDC MWG (, whose membership represents Federal, State, Local and Tribal governments and the Private Sector, has requested the development of the registry as a useful tool to learn about available ISO Geospatial Metadata Editors. Since the information about the editors may be of interest or utility to others implementing ISO geospatial metadata standards, the FGDC will make the information collected available on the Web in the form of a simple registry-type database. FGDC MWG users as well as non FGDC MWG members including geospatial metadata implementers from private sector, academia, all forms of government, and the general public, will have read-only access to the editor information published in the registry.

The latest form for ISO Geospatial Metadata Editors Registry expires 2021-04-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

ISO Metadata Editor - Private Sector

Federal Enterprise Architecture: General Science and Innovation - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation

Form NAMetadata registry formFillable FileableForm and instruction

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