National Ground-Water Monitoring Network Cooperative Funding Program

OMB 1028-0114

OMB 1028-0114

The USGS is working with the Federal Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI) and its Subcommittee on Ground Water (SOGW) to develop and administer a National Ground-Water Monitoring Network (NGWMN). This network is required as part of Public Law 111-11, Subtitle F-Secure Water: Section 9507 "Water Data Enhancement by the United States Geological Survey". The Network will consist of an aggregation of well data from existing Federal, Multi-state, State, Tribal, and local groundwater monitoring networks. To support data providers for the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network, the USGS will be providing funding through cooperative agreements to water-resource agencies that collect groundwater data. The USGS will be soliciting applications for funding that will request information from the Agency collecting the data. Elements will include contact information (phone number and email address), and a proposal describing their existing data collection and a plan to evaluate their data for incorporation into the NGWMN. The proposal will be evaluated by the USGS and the NGWMN Program Board to appropriate funding. The proposal will describe the groundwater networks to be included in the NGWMN, the purpose of the networks, an estimate of the number of wells they would submit for the network, an overview of the methods they would use to select and classify wells for the network a description of data collection techniques, and information on their databases. The proposal would also require estimates of one-time costs to complete the above tasks and annual costs to participate in the network.

The latest form for National Ground-Water Monitoring Network Cooperative Funding Program expires 2021-09-30 and can be found here.

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