Health Standards for Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure (Underground Coal Mines)

OMB 1219-0124

OMB 1219-0124

Under Section 101(a) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Act), the Secretary of Labor shall develop, promulgate, and revise as may be appropriate, improved mandatory health or safety standards for the protection of life and prevention of injuries in coal or other mines. In addition, Section 103(h) of the Mine Act mandates that mine operators keep any records and make any reports that are reasonably necessary for the Mine Safety and Health Administration to perform its duties under the Mine Act. MSHA established standards and regulations for diesel-powered equipment in underground coal mines that provide additional important protection for coal miners who work on and around diesel-powered equipment. The standards were designed to reduce the risks to underground coal miners of serious health hazards that are associated with exposure to high concentrations of diesel particulate matter. The standards contain information collection requirements for underground coal mine operators in §§ 72.510(a) & (b), 72.520(a) & (b). Section 72.510(a) requires underground coal mine operators to provide annual training to all miners who may be exposed to diesel emissions. The training must include health risks associated with exposure to diesel particulate matter; methods used in the mine to control diesel particulate concentrations; identification of the personnel responsible for maintaining those controls; and actions miners must take to ensure controls operate as intended. Section 72.510(b) requires underground coal mine operators to keep a record of the training for one year. Section 72.520(a) and (b) requires underground coal mine operators to maintain an inventory of diesel powered equipment units together with a list of information about any unit's emission control or filtration system. The list must be updated within 7 calendar days of any change.

The latest form for Health Standards for Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure (Underground Coal Mines) expires 2023-10-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

72.510 (Supervisor Instruction)

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Workforce Management - Worker Safety

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