Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of People with Disabilities

OMB 1230-0012

OMB 1230-0012

The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) of the U.S. Department of Labor in partnership with the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) seeks to conduct a Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of People with Disabilities to examine employer perceptions of their efforts to employ individuals with disabilities. Knowing this information will enhance the ability of ODEP to engage employers on how to hire, retain and promote individuals with disabilities. ODEP has the ability to reach out to employers through its public education campaigns and technical assistance centers, as well as engage the business community directly. Assessing employer attitudes towards hiring and retaining individuals with disabilities will allow ODEP to better understand employer successes and concerns, as well as more effectively share best practices in hiring, retaining, and promoting individuals with disabilities. This study will answer research questions with regard to current employer practices and attitudes towards employment of people with disabilities (`disability employment'); barriers and facilitators of disability employment; the impact of accommodations and technology on employer perceptions and attitudes towards disability employment; and sources of disability employment-related information for employers. To answer the research questions, the study will include three data collection strategies: (1) A telephone survey with employers; (2) case studies with representatives of six companies; and (3) qualitative interviews with supervisors from companies with disability employment experience.

The latest form for Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of People with Disabilities expires 2021-06-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Telephone Company Screener and Employee Survey

Federal Enterprise Architecture: General Government - Central Records & Statistical Mgt

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