State Assistance Management System Domestic Results Performance Monitoring Module for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)

OMB 1405-0238

OMB 1405-0238

As a normal course of business and in compliance with OMB Guidelines contained in Circular A-110, recipient organizations are required to provide, and the U.S. State Department required to collect, periodic program and financial performance reports. The responsibility of the State Department to track and monitor the programmatic and financial performance necessitates a database that can help facilitate this in a consistent and standardized manner. The larger SAMS-D database is already the Department of State’s system of record; the database enables monitoring of grants and cooperative agreements through standardized collection and storage of performance monitoring award elements, such as progress reports, workplans, grant agreements, and other business information related to ECA awards. The SAMS-D RPM (which this notice of information collection pertains to, specifically) is an extension module within the larger SAMS-D platform, designed to collect performance monitoring data in a format that will make analysis of program performance and monitoring of the award more efficient.

The latest form for State Assistance Management System Domestic Results Performance Monitoring Module for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) expires 2023-06-30 and can be found here.

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