Treasury International Capital Form SLT, "Aggregate Holdings, Purchases and Sales, and Fair Value Changes of Long-Term Securities by U.S. and Foreign Residents"

OMB 1505-0235

OMB 1505-0235

Form SLT is part of the Treasury International Capital (TIC) reporting system, which is required by law (22 U.S.C. § 286f; 22 U.S.C. § 3103; E.O. 10033; 31 C.F.R. Part 128) for the purpose of providing timely information on international capital movements. Form SLT is used to collect monthly data on cross-border ownership by U.S. and foreign residents of long-term securities for portfolio investment purposes. These data is used by the U.S. Government in the formulation of international and financial policies and for the preparation of the U.S. balance of payments accounts and the U.S. international investment position. Form SLT is filed by U.S.-resident custodians, U.S.-resident issuers of long-term securities, and U.S.-resident end-investors (including endowments, foundations, pension funds, mutual funds, and other investment managers/advisors/sponsors) in long-term foreign securities.

The latest form for Treasury International Capital Form SLT, "Aggregate Holdings, Purchases and Sales, and Fair Value Changes of Long-Term Securities by U.S. and Foreign Residents" expires 2021-10-31 and can be found here.

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