Survey to Identify and Analyze the Operations Dependencies of Financial Services Sector Critical Functions

OMB 1505-0265

OMB 1505-0265

Pursuant to Executive Order 13636 (EO13636) Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity and Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD 21) Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Treasury serves as the Sector-Specific Agency (SSA) for the financial services sector. Within Treasury, the Office of Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection (OCCIP) executes the Department’s SSA responsibilities as part of its mission to enhance the security and resilience of the financial services sector’s critical infrastructure. Further, OCCIP supports the implementation of the National Cyber Strategy as it pertains to financial services cybersecurity. To enable Treasury to fulfill its SSA duties, and given increased cybersecurity risks related to COVID-19 pandemic response, OCCIP seeks to collect and analyze information on cyber threats and vulnerabilities to better understand the cybersecurity risk to the U.S. financial services sector operations and critical infrastructure. OCCIP intends to solicit this information from approximately 50 respondents representing the largest systemically important financial institutions and financial market utilities, which collectively form the backbone of U.S. financial service critical infrastructure. OCCIP is requesting information related to each respondent’s critical functions and processes, including various business lines and intrasector relationships. This information collection will support OCCIP’s efforts to enhance the security and resilience of the financial services sector, and to work collaboratively with industry and interagency partners to mitigate cybersecurity risks that could impact financial services sector operations.

The latest form for Survey to Identify and Analyze the Operations Dependencies of Financial Services Sector Critical Functions expires 2021-03-31 and can be found here.

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