Letterhead Applications and Notices Relating to Denatured Spirits (TTB REC 5150/2)

OMB 1513-0061

OMB 1513-0061

Under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) at 26 U.S.C. 5214, denatured spirits (alcohol to which denaturants have been added to render it unfit for beverage purposes) may be withdrawn from distilled spirits plants free of tax for nonbeverage industrial purposes in the manufacture of certain personal and household products. Since it is possible to recover potable alcohol from denatured spirits and articles made with denatured spirits, the IRC at 26 U.S.C. 5271–5275 sets forth provisions relating to denatured spirits and articles made with denatured spirits. Under those IRC authorities, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) regulations in 27 CFR part 20 require specially denatured spirits (SDS) dealers and manufacturers of nonbeverage products made with denatured alcohol to apply for and obtain a permit. In addition, the part 20 regulations that concern this information collection require such permit holders to submit letterhead applications and notices to TTB regarding certain changes to permit information, use of alternate methods and emergency variations from requirements, adoption or use of certain formulas, discontinuance of business, losses in transit, and requests to waive certain sample shipment and invoice requirements. The information collected implements the IRC’s statutory provisions regarding denatured spirits.

The latest form for Letterhead Applications and Notices Relating to Denatured Spirits (TTB REC 5150/2) expires 2023-03-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Letterhead Applications and Notices Relating to Denatured Spirits (TTB REC 5150/2)

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