Applications and Notices--Manufacturers of Nonbeverage Products (TTB REC 5530/1)

OMB 1513-0072

OMB 1513-0072

In general, the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) at 26 U.S.C. 5001 imposes Federal excise tax on each proof gallon of distilled spirits produced in or imported into the United States. However, under the IRC at 26 U.S.C. 5111–5114, persons using distilled spirits to produce certain nonbeverage products (medicines, medicinal preparations, food products, flavors, flavoring extracts, or perfume) may claim drawback (refund) of all but $1.00 per proof gallon of the Federal excise tax paid on the distilled spirits used to make such products, subject to regulations issued by the Secretary “to secure the Treasury against frauds.” Under those IRC authorities, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) regulations in 27 CFR part 17 require manufacturers to submit certain applications and notices to TTB regarding their use of distilled spirits in the production of nonbeverage products eligible for drawback. The required applications, which require TTB approval, cover nonbeverage activities that present significant jeopardy to the revenue, while the required notices, which do not require TTB approval, cover activities that present less jeopardy to the revenue. This information collection is necessary to protect the revenue as it helps prevent diversion of distilled spirits to beverage use and ensures that nonbeverage product activities comply with the law and TTB regulations.

The latest form for Applications and Notices--Manufacturers of Nonbeverage Products (TTB REC 5530/1) expires 2022-10-31 and can be found here.

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