Offering of U.S. Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Company Tax and Loss Bonds

OMB 1530-0051

OMB 1530-0051

Chapter 31 of Title 31 of the United States Code authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to prescribe the terms and conditions, including the form, of United States Treasury bonds, notes and bills. The information collected is essential to establish and maintain Tax and Loss Bond accounts (31 CFR Part 343). This regulation governs issues, reissues and redemptions of Tax and Loss bonds. The information requested will be used to issue a Statement of Account to the entity, establish issue and maturity dates for the bonds, and provide electronic payment routing instructions for the proceeds.

The latest form for Offering of U.S. Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Company Tax and Loss Bonds expires 2023-05-31 and can be found here.

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