Form 8453-EMP is used to authenticate an electronic return originator (ERO) , if any, to transmit by way of third-party . Form 8453-FE is used to authenticate the electronic Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts, authorize the electronic filer to transmit via a third-party transmitter, and authorize an electronic fund withdrawal for payment of federal taxes owed. Form 8879-EMP is used if a taxpayer and the electronic return originator (ERO) want to use a personal identification number (PIN) to electronically sign an electronic employment tax return. Form 8879-F is used by an electronic return originator when the fiduciary wants to use a personal identification number to electronically sign an estate's or trust's electronic income tax return, and if applicable consent to electronic funds withdrawal.
The latest form for Declaration and Signature for Electronic and Magnetic Media Filing expires 2021-09-30 and can be found here.
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Federal Enterprise Architecture: General Government - Taxation Management
Form 8879-F | IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Form 1041 | Fillable Printable | Form and instruction |
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