Entry of Taxable Fuel

OMB 1545-1897

OMB 1545-1897

Treasury Decision 9346 contains final regulations relating to the tax on the entry of taxable fuel (gasoline, diesel fuel, and kerosene), into the United States. The final regulations affect enterers of taxable fuel, other importers, and certain sureties. Section 4081(a)(1)(A)(iii) imposes a tax on the entry into the United States of any taxable fuel, for consumption, use, or warehousing. This collection of information allows certain importers of record and sureties to avoid liability for the tax on the entry of taxable fuel into the United States. Section 48.4081 3(c)(2)(iii) provides that if an importer of record has an unexpired notification certificate (as described in §48.4081 5) from the enterer and has no reason to believe that any information in the notification certificate is false, the importer of record will not be liable for the tax on the entry of taxable fuel. Section 48.4081-3(c)(2)(iv) provides that a Customs bond posted with respect to the importation of fuel will not be charged for the tax imposed on the entry of fuel if the enterer is a taxable fuel registrant. If a surety has an unexpired notification certificate (as described in §48.4081-5) from the enterer and has no reason to believe that any information in the notification certificate is false, the surety bond will not be charged for the tax imposed on the entry of taxable fuel.

The latest form for Entry of Taxable Fuel expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

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