Election to Expense Certain Refineries

OMB 1545-2103

OMB 1545-2103

The regulations provide guidance with respect to section 179C of the Internal Revenue Code, which provides a taxpayer can elect to treat 50% of the cost of "qualified refinery property" as a deductible expense not chargeable to capital account. The taxpayer makes an election under section 179C by entering the amount of the deduction at the appropriate place on the taxpayer's timely filed original federal income tax return for the taxable year in which the qualified refinery property is placed in service and by attaching a report specifying (a) the name and address of the refinery and (b) the production capacity requirement under which the refinery qualifies. If the taxpayer making the expensing election described above is a cooperative described in section 1381, and one or more persons directly holding an ownership interest in the taxpayer are organizations described in section 1381, the taxpayer can elect to allocate all or a portion of the deduction allowable under section 179C to those persons. The allocation must be equal to the person's ratable share of the total amount allocated, determined on the basis of the person's ownership interest in the taxpayer/cooperative. If the taxpayer/cooperative makes such an election, it must provide written notice of the amount of the allocation to any owner receiving an allocation by written notice on Form 1099-PAT, Taxable Distributions Received from Cooperatives. This notice must be provided before the due date (including extensions) of the cooperative owner's federal income tax return for the taxable year for which the election applies.

The latest form for Election to Expense Certain Refineries expires 2021-02-28 and can be found here.

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