Consumer Tipping Survey

OMB 1545-2261

OMB 1545-2261

The IRS is charged with collecting revenue legally owed to the federal government. One important category of income comes in the form of tips. Previous empirical research has shown income from tips to be significantly underreported, limiting the IRS's ability to collect the proper amount of tax revenue. The IRS believes a new study of consumer tipping practices is needed in order to better understand current tip reporting behavior so tax administrators and policy makers can make the tax system fairer and more efficient. The main goal for this survey effort is to generate statistically valid estimates of tipped income in a variety of services for which no such estimates exist, in addition to providing information on other correlates of tipped income and behavior including, but not limited to, regional or seasonal fluctuations in tipped income.

The latest form for Consumer Tipping Survey expires 2020-06-30 and can be found here.

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