Conversions from Mutual to Stock Form

OMB 1557-0347

OMB 1557-0347

This ICR relates to a final rule that implements changes recommended in the March 2017 Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act report, including the repeal of the OCC’s employment contract rule for Federal savings associations, and amend the OCC’s fiduciary rules. The final rule also amends the OCC’s rule for conversions from mutual to stock form of a savings association to reduce burden, increase flexibility, and update cross-references. The final rule adds a new § 192.660(e)(3) to require that the voluntary supervisory conversion application include a statement indicating the role in the successor savings association each director, officer, and affiliate of the savings association or associate of the director or officer will have after the conversion.

The latest form for Conversions from Mutual to Stock Form expires 2023-09-30 and can be found here.

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