SEA and LEA Self-Assessment and Monitoring Protocol

OMB 1810-0736

OMB 1810-0736

OSS administers Title I, Sections 1001-1004 (School Improvement); Title I, Part A (Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies); Title I, Part B (Enhanced Assessments Grants (EAG), and Grants for State Assessments and Related Activities); Title II, Part A (Supporting Effective Instruction); Title III, Part A (English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement); and School Improvement Grants (SIG). Annual fiscal reviews – annual phone or on-site conversations with a purposeful sample of SEA and LEA program directors and coordinators – help ensure that an SEA and its LEAs are making progress toward improving student achievement and the quality of instruction for all students and are ensuring requirements are met through the review of fiscal requirements to safeguard public funds from waste, fraud, and abuse. The information shared with the OSS also informs the selection and delivery of technical assistance to SEAs and aligns structures, processes, and routines so the OSS can regularly monitor the connection between grant administration and intended outcomes. Because grantees are monitored on a multiyear cycle, administration of this information collection, including the publication of fiscal review results, is necessary to enable the OSS to identify potential areas of noncompliance ahead of formal monitoring visits, decreasing the need for enforcement actions and minimizing burden for SEAs.

The latest form for SEA and LEA Self-Assessment and Monitoring Protocol expires 2021-05-31 and can be found here.

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