Student Assistance General Provisions - Non-Title IV Revenue Requirements (90/10)

OMB 1845-0096

OMB 1845-0096

As enacted by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (Pub. L. 110-315), the regulations in 34 CFR 668.28 provide that a proprietary institution must derive at least 10% of its annual revenue from sources other than Title IV, HEA funds, sanctions for failing to meet this requirement, and otherwise implement the statute by 1) specifying a Net Present Value (NPV) formula used to establish the revenue for institutional loans, 2) providing an administratively easier alternative to the NPV calculation, and 3) describing more fully the non-Title IV eligible programs from which revenue may be counted for 90/10 purposes. The regulations require an institution to disclose in a footnote to its audited financial statements the amounts of Federal and non-Federal revenues, by category, that it used in calculating its 90/10 ratio (see section 487(d) of the HEA). This is a request to extend the information collection that identifies the reporting burden for this regulation.

The latest form for Student Assistance General Provisions - Non-Title IV Revenue Requirements (90/10) expires 2022-04-30 and can be found here.

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