IES Research Training Program Surveys

OMB 1850-0873

OMB 1850-0873

The surveys are for participants in the fellowship research training programs and the non-fellowship research training programs funded by Institute of Education Sciences (IES). IES’s fellowship programs include predoctoral training under the National Center for Education Research (NCER) and postdoctoral training under NCER and the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER). These programs provide universities support to provide training in education research and special education research to graduate students (predoctoral program) and postdoctoral fellows. IES also supports non-fellowship research training through its current programs, e.g., NCER’s Methods Research Training program and NCER’s Undergraduate Pathways program. IES would like to collect satisfaction information from the participants in these programs and other similar training programs funded through NCER or NCSER grant programs. The results of the surveys will be used both to improve the training programs as well as to provide information on the programs to the participants, policymakers, practitioners, and the general public. All information released to the public will be in aggregate so that no one program or training group can be distinguished.

The latest form for IES Research Training Program Surveys expires 2022-12-31 and can be found here.

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