Impact Evaluation of Academic Language Intervention

OMB 1850-0941

OMB 1850-0941

The purpose of the Impact Evaluation of Academic Language Intervention is to assess the impact of a promising academic language intervention on teachers' instructional practice and students’ language and reading skills, with a particular focus on students who are English Learners (ELs) and disadvantaged non-EL students. Although prior studies of academic language instruction provide some initial evidence of the efficacy of instructional practices, confirmation of large-scale effectiveness is needed. This evaluation will contribute to the knowledge base of the instructional practices that improve language and literacy outcomes for these high need populations. This submission covers data collection for the baseline period prior to implementing the selected academic language intervention, during the implementation year (the 2017-18 school year), and a follow-up year (spring 2019). The evaluation will examine the implementation and impact of an academic language program, using a random assignment design in which participating schools in each district are randomly assigned to a treatment group whose 4th and 5th grade teachers receive training and materials to implement the program or to a control group whose teachers do not. This submission covers the following data collection activities: teacher surveys, teacher and student rosters, and school district records data.

The latest form for Impact Evaluation of Academic Language Intervention expires 2020-09-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Teacher Surveys

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Education - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education

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