Assistance To Foreign Atomic Energy Activities

OMB 1901-0263

OMB 1901-0263

Under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Secretary of Energy has the authority to authorize proposed exports of unclassified U.S. nuclear technology and assistance. Control over such exports is necessary in order to prevent nuclear proliferation and to facilitate legitimate civil nuclear commerce. In order to implement this legal authority, DOE promulgated a rule found at 10 CFR Part 810. This rule describes what activities are within the scope of control, what activities are generally authorized by the Secretary, and what activities require a specific authorization. The rule also provides the information requirements for reporting generally authorized activities and applications for specific authorization. Information Collection 1901-0263 implements these requirements.

The latest form for Assistance To Foreign Atomic Energy Activities expires 2022-03-31 and can be found here.

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